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Building Ethical Rapport: The Importance of Trust in Business Venture

Ella Pham

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There is one vital non-tangible that cannot be bought: trust. In a highly competitive marketplace, trust is imperative to ensuring that your business not only gains popularity but maintains its success & following. Trust could make the difference between having a positive reputation or a negative one, which is key to attracting people to your business. Since connections are the network that stimulates expansion, maintaining your reputation is fundamental. 

How Does Ethics Contribute to Trust?

A customer tends to be more trusting towards a business that adheres to an ethical set of principles. Some ethical values include fairness, honesty, equality, and integrity. Establishing early on a set of ethical guidelines your partners or employees should adhere to can help ensure the diffusion of ethical principles throughout your business. Over years of cultivation, this can help you build up a reputation of trustworthiness.

Behaving ethically in business ventures means prioritizing integrity over short term benefits. In order to behave ethically, you must first consider the opposite, acting unethically. It is common that a business will be attracted to an unethical decision, but it is important to understand the risk that poses to building your ethical rapport. While ethics can help sustain a business, it can also ruin it by establishing a bad reputation.

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Other Ways to Use Trust

Confidence is important to have as the founder of a business. If you don’t seem confident in your own business, then others won’t have confidence in it either. In addition to building a good reputation, there are other ways to utilize trust such as trusting your product and trusting yourself.

Trusting your Product

While there are a variety of factors that may contribute to adapting your business model or initiative, overall it’s important to not let go of the ideals that composed your initial vision. Maintaining the general framework for your business can help establish a sense of confidence, as well as contribute to the continual expansion of your business network over time.

Trusting Yourself

In order to trust your product, you must first trust yourself. Starting a business can be a scary thing, but it’s important to trust yourself to increase your success with marketing. To trust yourself, be sure that you have dwelled on your idea for long enough and stayed in touch with your feelings throughout the process. Once you have completed these steps, remember that you know what you want and trust yourself to properly execute it.

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