By Jessica Yao

Are you a high school or even middle school student who has found yourself scrolling through YouTube videos looking for ways to make easy and fast money? Have you experimented with acts of service like babysitting, mowing the lawn, or shoveling the snow in your free time? If you have ever found yourself in these situations, you should look into these three easy side hustles to start as a student!
It may be a little intimidating to try something new, but the experiences and learning opportunities that come with attempting a new hobby will serve as a testament to your dedication. And it might bring in a few extra bucks to your savings account!
With major platforms readily available for use (YouTube, Spotify, Podcasts), releasing your own podcast series is a great way to increase reach and make some extra money. This side hustle is easily accessible across the world and is usually a less stressful way to talk about something you enjoy doing. For example, you may enjoy playing soccer or performing self-help routines every day. Through this activity, you take what you love doing and build and foster a community of people with similar passions who are interested in the content you provide. These types of people will generally be loyal to you and your channel. Over time, through dedication and commitment, you will begin to see your following base increase and some bucks rolling in!
To start, you may want to first listen and actively observe some of the most well-known podcasters. Their way of speaking, the guest speakers they invite, and the topics they touch on are all great things that you can incorporate into your own podcasts!
Resell Items
Reselling items like clothing, furniture, utensils, and hardware is essentially like donating your old belongings, but racking in dollars while doing so. This can be done through a system like a yard sale or your own online shop. Some platforms online include Etsy and Poshmark with a large user base. By reselling items around your house that aren’t serving their purpose anymore, you are killing two birds with one stone: getting rid of unnecessary (and sometimes hefty) objects and making some money!
When using an online platform, you may want to conduct some research and learn the process that is easiest for you to commit to. With an established online marketplace, you can continuously place more items online as objects around the house are no longer serviceable. This allows for a more centralized and easily navigable workspace.
Revamp or sell websites to local businesses
Making and selling websites may seem intense especially if you have never

to code before. However, reaching out and offering to revamp websites for small local businesses who don’t regularly maintain and update their platform not only challenges your technical abilities but also your ability to conduct sales marketing. You are selling yourself and showing these businesses that you care about how they present themselves.
Additionally, as technology is becoming more prevalent in everyday life, learning how to code and use platforms is very helpful for the future. During the process, you not only make money, but you learn skills that are serviceable for life.
These three easy-to-start side hustles are all applicable to tap into as a student (and even as an adult). Over time, you will begin to realize the importance of experimenting and trying something new. You never know, you just might find your next big purpose in life.