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How to Start a Business Club in High School : The Ultimate Guide

Updated: Apr 10

One of the best ways to enhance your college application is to start a club in high school, demonstrating that you have leadership experience and can navigate pre-professional activities.

Colleges are impressed by students who begin clubs. It shows that you have initiative, leadership skills, ambition, and other traits favored by college admissions officers. 

Often, when deciding what kind of club you want to create, it's important to consider what you're passionate about: environmental science, psychology, or perhaps business.

In this guide, we'll focus on the business club and what you can do in order to show initiative in your résumé.


Getting Started:

Starting a business club in high school is an exciting endeavor that can have a lasting impact on your personal and academic development. Before diving into the logistics of planning and organizing your club, it's essential to lay a solid foundation by getting started on the right foot.

Choosing the Right Club Idea

The first step in starting any club is to choose a theme or idea that aligns with your interests and passions. While there are countless possibilities, opting for a business club opens up a world of opportunities to explore entrepreneurship, leadership, and innovation. Consider your own strengths, interests, and career aspirations as you brainstorm club ideas. Are you passionate about marketing, finance, or social entrepreneurship? Do you have a vision for fostering a culture of innovation within your school community? Use these questions to guide your decision-making process and ensure that your club idea resonates with both you and your potential club members.

Identifying Your Passion

Passion is the driving force behind any successful endeavor, and starting a business club is no exception. Take some time to reflect on what truly excites and motivates you. Is it the thrill of launching a startup, the challenge of solving real-world business problems, or the opportunity to inspire and empower your peers? By identifying your passion, you'll not only fuel your own enthusiasm but also attract like-minded individuals who share your vision for the club.

Understanding the Purpose of a Business Club

Before moving forward with your club plans, it's important to have a clear understanding of the purpose and goals of a business club. While the primary focus may be on entrepreneurship and business-related activities, the overarching purpose of the club should be to create a supportive community where members can learn, grow, and collaborate. Whether it's through guest speakers, workshops, or hands-on projects, the goal is to provide valuable opportunities for members to develop essential skills, explore their interests, and cultivate a mindset of innovation and leadership.

By taking the time to choose the right club idea, identify your passion, and understand the purpose of a business club, you'll be laying a strong foundation for success as you embark on this exciting journey. In the next section, we'll dive into the practical steps of planning and organizing your business club to bring your vision to life.


Planning Your Business Club:

Starting a business club in high school requires careful planning and organization to ensure its success and longevity. This section will guide you through the essential steps to take when planning your business club, from setting goals to establishing leadership.

Setting Goals and Objectives

Before diving into the logistics of starting a business club, take some time to define the goals and objectives of your club. What do you hope to achieve with your club? Are you aiming to provide a platform for aspiring entrepreneurs to collaborate and innovate? Or perhaps you want to focus on educating members about various aspects of business and finance?

By clearly defining your goals and objectives, you'll be able to tailor your club activities and initiatives to align with your mission. Consider conducting a brainstorming session with potential club members to gather ideas and insights on what they hope to gain from the club experience.

Recruiting Members

Once you've established the purpose of your business club, it's time to recruit members who share your passion for entrepreneurship and business. Start by spreading the word about your club through announcements at school, posters, and social media. Host an informational meeting to introduce potential members to the club's mission, goals, and planned activities.

When recruiting members, emphasize the benefits of joining the business club, such as networking opportunities, skill-building workshops, hands-on experience in entrepreneurship, resume building, internship experience, college, access to guest speakers and whatever else you plan on offering your members. Encourage interested students to sign up and get involved in shaping the future of the club by creating leadership positions. Get Creative.

Establishing Club Leadership

Every successful club relies on strong leadership to guide its activities and initiatives. As the founder of the business club, you'll play a crucial role in establishing leadership structures and delegating responsibilities to other club members.

Consider forming an executive board consisting of dedicated individuals who are passionate about the club's mission and willing to take on leadership roles. Assign specific responsibilities to each board member, such as vice president (helps run meetings), Treasurer (helps manage finances and fundraise), Secretary (attendance, meeting minutes).

In addition to the executive board, consider establishing committees or task forces to focus on specific areas of interest, such as fundraising, community outreach, or curriculum development, social media, and more. By distributing leadership responsibilities among club members, you'll foster a sense of ownership and collaboration within the club.


Organizing Club Activities:

Once you've laid the groundwork for your business club, it's time to start planning engaging and impactful activities for your members. The success of your club will largely depend on the quality of experiences you offer, so it's essential to put thought and effort into organizing activities that will both educate and inspire.

Guest Speakers and Workshops

Inviting guest speakers from the business world can provide valuable insights and inspiration for club members. Reach out to local entrepreneurs, business professionals, and alumni who can share their experiences, expertise, and advice. Workshops focused on specific skills, such as marketing, finance, or leadership, can also be beneficial. Consider hosting interactive sessions where members can participate in hands-on activities and learn practical skills they can apply in their own ventures.

Networking Opportunities

Building a strong network is essential for aspiring entrepreneurs. Organize networking events where members can connect with each other, as well as with professionals and mentors in the business community. Encourage active participation and facilitate meaningful conversations that can lead to valuable connections and collaborations. Consider hosting networking mixers, speed networking sessions, or even virtual networking events to accommodate different preferences and circumstances. You can also help all of your members set up networking tools like LinkedIn so that they are prepared for any networking opportunities that you provide them with.

Skill-Building Exercises

In addition to learning from external speakers and workshops, it's important to provide opportunities for members to develop their skills internally. Incorporate skill-building exercises into your club meetings, such as team challenges, internship opportunities, or any activity that can teach them hands on skills that can be applied to the real world. These activities can help members strengthen their problem-solving abilities, teamwork skills, and entrepreneurial mindset. Consider even rotating certain leadership roles within the club to give members hands-on experience in organizing and leading activities.

Community Projects and Initiatives

Make a positive impact in your community by organizing service projects or initiatives related to business and entrepreneurship. This could involve volunteering at local nonprofits, organizing fundraising events, or launching student businesses that address pressing issues in your community. Not only will these projects benefit others, but they will also provide valuable opportunities for members to apply their skills and knowledge in real-world settings.

By incorporating a variety of activities into your club's agenda, you can create a dynamic and enriching experience for your members. Remember to stay flexible and responsive to the interests and needs of your club members, and don't hesitate to experiment with new ideas and formats to keep things fresh and engaging.


Resources for Success:

Embarking on the journey of starting a business club in high school can be both exciting and challenging. To ensure your club's success and maximize its impact, it's crucial to have access to the right resources and support. In this section, we'll explore some key resources that can help you thrive as a club leader and empower your members to excel in entrepreneurship.

Utilizing Startup Resources

Starting a business club requires careful planning and execution. Fortunately, there are numerous resources available to help you navigate the process. From online guides and templates to workshops and seminars, you can leverage a variety of tools to streamline your club's establishment and operation. Look for resources specific to student-led organizations and entrepreneurship education to get started on the right foot.

The Youth Entrepreneurship Association (YEA) In School Club Program is a comprehensive initiative designed to support high school students interested in entrepreneurship. By joining the YEA program, club leaders gain access to a wealth of resources and support tailored to their needs. From curriculum materials and lesson plans to mentorship and networking opportunities, YEA provides the framework and guidance necessary to launch and sustain a successful business club.

Curriculum and Lessons for Club Leaders

As a club leader, one of your primary responsibilities is to create engaging and informative club meetings and activities. To assist you in this endeavor, the YEA Business Club Program offers a curated curriculum covering various aspects of business and entrepreneurship. Whether you're interested in marketing, finance, the stock market, and much more, our comprehensive lesson plans provide the foundation for meaningful learning experiences. Additionally, our team is available to offer guidance and support as you navigate the curriculum and adapt it to your club's unique interests and goals.

By leveraging these resources, you can elevate your business club experience and empower your members to explore their entrepreneurial passions. Whether you're a seasoned leader or embarking on your first venture, the YEA Business Club Program is here to support you every step of the way. Visit to learn more and take the next step towards launching your own business club today!


Launching Your Business Club:

Once you've laid the groundwork and planned out the logistics of your business club, it's time to officially launch and introduce it to your school community. The launch phase is crucial for generating interest, recruiting members, and setting the tone for the club's activities. Here's how to make a successful debut:

Promoting Your Club

Promotion is key to attracting members and creating buzz around your business club. Utilize various channels to spread the word, including:

  • Social media platforms: Create dedicated accounts or pages for your club on popular platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. Share engaging content, teasers about upcoming events, and behind-the-scenes glimpses of club activities.

  • School announcements: Work with your school administration to make announcements during morning assemblies or through newsletters to reach a wider audience.

  • Flyers and posters: Design eye-catching posters and flyers to display around the school, highlighting the benefits of joining your business club and providing details about upcoming meetings or events.

  • Word of mouth: Encourage current members to invite their friends and classmates who share an interest in entrepreneurship or business.

Hosting an Inaugural Event

An inaugural event serves as the official launch of your business club and provides an opportunity to showcase its mission, goals, and activities. Consider organizing:

  • An informational meeting: Host a kick-off meeting where you introduce the club, its leadership team, and the planned activities for the semester or year. Share your vision for the club and invite students to join.

  • Guest speakers: Invite local entrepreneurs, business professionals, or alumni who have pursued entrepreneurial ventures to share their experiences and insights with club members.

  • Interactive activities: Plan icebreaker activities or mini workshops related to entrepreneurship to engage attendees and foster a sense of community within the club.

  • Networking opportunities: Provide time for attendees to mingle and connect with each other, encouraging the exchange of ideas and collaboration.

Sustaining Momentum

After the launch event, it's essential to maintain momentum and keep the excitement alive. Here are some tips for sustaining interest in your business club:

  • Consistent communication: Keep members informed about upcoming meetings, events, and opportunities through regular email updates, social media posts, or a club newsletter.

  • Diverse activities: Plan a variety of activities and events to cater to different interests within the club, such as guest speakers, workshops, skill-building exercises, and networking sessions.

  • Member involvement: Empower club members to take on leadership roles, contribute ideas for activities, and organize events, fostering a sense of ownership and investment in the club's success.

  • Evaluation and adaptation: Solicit feedback from club members periodically to gauge their satisfaction and identify areas for improvement. Use this input to refine your club's programming and ensure it continues to meet the needs and interests of its members.

By effectively promoting your club, hosting a memorable inaugural event, and sustaining momentum through engaging activities and member involvement, you'll set your business club up for success and make a lasting impact on your school community.


Impact and Reflection:

As you lead and grow your business club throughout high school, it's essential to continually assess the impact you're making and reflect on your journey. This section delves into the significance of tracking achievements, documenting success stories, and reflecting on personal growth.

Tracking Achievements

Tracking achievements is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it allows you to showcase the tangible results of your efforts when it comes time to apply for college or scholarships. Whether it's the number of events hosted, the funds raised for a charitable cause, or the growth in club membership, quantifiable achievements demonstrate your effectiveness as a leader and organizer. Additionally, tracking achievements provides valuable insights into what strategies are working well and where there may be room for improvement. By regularly evaluating your progress, you can adjust your goals and activities to maximize impact.

Documenting Success Stories

Success stories are powerful tools for inspiring others and highlighting the meaningful contributions your club has made. Take the time to document notable accomplishments, such as successful entrepreneurial ventures launched by club members, impactful community service projects, or recognition received from local businesses or organizations. Share these stories through your club's website, social media channels, or local media outlets to celebrate achievements and attract new members and supporters. Not only do success stories validate the importance of your club's mission, but they also serve as a source of motivation for current and future members.

Reflecting on Personal Growth

Leading a business club offers numerous opportunities for personal growth and development. Take time to reflect on how your experiences in the club have shaped you as a leader, communicator, and entrepreneur. Consider the challenges you've overcome, the skills you've acquired, and the relationships you've built along the way. Reflecting on your personal growth allows you to appreciate how far you've come and identify areas for further improvement. Whether it's gaining confidence in public speaking, honing your organizational skills, or learning to collaborate effectively with peers, the lessons learned from leading a business club will serve you well in your future endeavors.

Incorporating regular reflection sessions into your club meetings can foster a culture of self-awareness and continuous improvement among members. Encourage open dialogue and feedback sharing, allowing members to express their thoughts, challenges, and aspirations. By fostering a supportive and reflective environment, you not only strengthen the bonds within your club but also empower members to realize their full potential.

As you navigate the highs and lows of leading a business club, remember to celebrate achievements, learn from setbacks, and embrace the journey of personal and collective growth.



Starting a business club in high school can be a transformative experience, both personally and professionally. As you've learned throughout this guide, it's not just about adding a line to your college application; it's about developing essential skills, pursuing your passions, and making a meaningful impact in your community.

By taking the initiative to launch a business club, you're demonstrating leadership, creativity, and a commitment to learning that will undoubtedly impress college admissions officers. But beyond that, you're creating a platform for yourself and your peers to explore entrepreneurship, connect with like-minded individuals, and gain invaluable real-world experience. As you embark on this journey, remember that success isn't measured solely by the number of members or events your club hosts. It's about the relationships you build, the lessons you learn, and the impact you make, both within your club and beyond.

So stay focused, stay passionate, and don't be afraid to think outside the box. And remember, you don't have to do it alone. Programs like the Youth Entrepreneurship Association (YEA) In School Club Program are here to support you every step of the way. Whether you're looking for curriculum materials, mentorship opportunities, or just a community of fellow young entrepreneurs, YEA has you covered. Apply today start your entrepreneurial journey!

So what are you waiting for? Seize the opportunity to turn your passion for business into something truly extraordinary. Start your business club, make your mark, and pave the way for a future filled with limitless possibilities.

The world is waiting for your ideas. Go out there and make them happen!


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